Cloud survival 101 - ADAPT!
11:00 - 11:30
There is no one-size-fits-all in the cloud and as such we are required to become creative when creating cloud architectures and applications -- you have to adapt. Clients and most importantly budgets will dictate the range of possibilities when it comes to building software and our journey in BoatyardX is definitely focused on striking the right balance between cutting edge tech and keeping it pocket-friendly.
We'll talk a bit about our approach to sizing things correctly and some of the challenges imposed by one of the most famous orchestration platforms at the moment -- kubernetes.
Alexandru Dascal
I'm a DevOps engineer in charge of the DevOps discipline at BoatyardX. I've been interested and driven to help workflows more efficient and help others deliver their work with ease throughout my career. Lately my focus is to look at quality of life within our technical eco-system in an effort to eliminate friction within our project workflows and provide easy-to-use tooling for everyone involved in SDLCs.
Outside of the tech world I enjoy playing drums and am mesmerised by the engineering side of musical production as well (with recording, mastering and all other adjacent activities).